By ahuman - 29/09/2013 05:10 - United States

Today, I saw two kids having a fistfight in the street. I ran over to stop them, and one ended up hitting me in the eye. I now have a black eye over what turned out to have been a fight over who was going to get the last slice of pizza. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 764
You deserved it 9 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikkitaria 9

Let me guess... You tried to settle the fight by offering to take the last slice?

You learned your lesson I guess, mind your own business OP! Sorry you got hit but next time watch from a distance and stay out of it


You learned your lesson I guess, mind your own business OP! Sorry you got hit but next time watch from a distance and stay out of it

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Maybe be a bit more carefull in the future, Op!

then000bster 16

It's pizza!! You always fight over the last piece. Maybe not with a fist fight, but with Rock Paper Scissors.

Jeezus, bludgeoning a person with a rock or slicing them with paper or scissors over a slice of pizza?? That sounds like hobo UFC fighting right there! I'd watch! *grabs popcorn*

RedPillSucks 31

Just don't grab the last slice of pizza

Always remember the golden rule. He who has the pizza, makes the rules.

tjv3 10

If you are not prepared or equipped to handle the situation then you should mind your own business.

Damn, that sucks op... But at least you tried to do the right thing! FYL.

Pizza is pizza, it doesn't have to be especially delicious.

Allennis44 16

I first read it as "I saw two kids fisting in the street"...Needless to say, I was confused

JoeGrant 12

You really got a piece of their mind, OP.

Oops that comment was in reply to the wrong comment! Sorry!

reneebellinger 8

You deserve the last slice for that!

A07 48

You deserved it op, pizza is serious stuff!

Nikkitaria 9

Let me guess... You tried to settle the fight by offering to take the last slice?

threer 30

I would have taken it and ran. >v>

DedicatedNova 13

Fighting is dangerous. Keep your distance, bro.

asnakelovinbabe 16

That's what you get for sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.