By Potential Bridezilla - 10/08/2011 07:18 - United Arab Emirates
Same thing different taste
By Beth - 13/04/2012 14:12 - Australia - Perth
By Anonymous - 13/01/2016 08:53 - Denmark
Just stop, please
By fuck you, mum - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom
Apron strings
By heatherjo - 02/11/2011 04:49 - United States
By need_cash_now - 28/04/2013 04:29 - United States
Plot twist
By Anonymous - 05/11/2012 11:36 - United States
By apparentlynotengaged - 04/07/2019 11:00 - Ireland - Dublin
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Nuneaton
By marryinghimanyway - 29/08/2013 02:21 - Australia - Brisbane
Really? In 2022?
By Anonymous - 04/05/2022 18:01 - United States
Top comments
Good luck with that.
Vegas wedding tonight? I hear they have some that are Elvis themed.
The whole "she's just concerned" thing is BS. That type of behavior is super shitty (and way too common). She'd better cut the controlling crap now before she ruins her relationship with her DIL. Trust me, it doesn't take much. I really don't get why so many MIL's can't seem to get this concept into their brains.
DIL? MIL? Dad I like? Mother I like? Honestly, I've no idea.
daughter in law, mother in law..
It will be fine as long as she makes you PB & J For your special day.
Mother-in-law scrambled is Woman hitler watchout
Are you Jerome off of code lyoko
Run fast Run hard But make no mistake... RUN!!!
Like me.
a great time is coming towards you.
Crush her with a bed, chop her into bits, and put her under the floorboards. :D
This is a test for your relationship. Take it seriously. I don't suggest RUNNING like another poster, but whether your fiancé supports YOU and the new family unit the two of you are creating, or supports his mother (or refuses to get involved- even bigger red flag specifically Spineless!), his actions will tell you everything you need to know about your future. Then you can make a truly informed decision.
Don't you mean unite?
Nope, unit!
That's not a good sign.
I think the moment has arrived where you make it very clear that it's your wedding, not hers. Tell it, before it's too late.
Yep, this will be me in a few years :(. From what I am starting to see more and more, a lot of future mother-in-laws act like this. Stand up for yourself when the time comes, if you don't now, the rest of your marriage will be her trying to walk all over you.

Run fast Run hard But make no mistake... RUN!!!
Good luck with that.