By Anonymous - 09/11/2013 01:46 - United States - Blythe

Today, a woman accused me of bullying her son, and said that she is going to get me fired. Her son is a 27-year-old teacher at my school, whom I disciplined for showing up drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 344
You deserved it 2 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should get a restraining order against her. She's clearly out of her mind.


Good lord, when will a law be passed so that we can shoot down helicopter parents with surface to air missiles? This trend needs to be destroyed FAST!

fooltemptress 36

Three guesses why her son showed up drunk in the first place ...

Well your clear...I think she should understand that...

Parents who believe their children can do no wrong even when they obviously do... you know I hate them.

She is clearly why the son thinks it's okay to show up at work drunk. I just wonder what other types of behavior she has condoned in his 27 years of life.

handyone01 6

Because of parents like that woman is why our society is so screwed up. Some can't see that "their little angels" are useless human beings. Sorry for you OP.

sarahbevan20 11

Dont worry OP, you did absolutely nothing wrong. If she calls your boss and tries to get you fired and she says that you "bullied her son," they're going to ask for details that she cant provide, shes going to lie about, or shes gonna sound like a dumbass when she says the real reason for your "bullying." Either way, you win in this situation.

He should sit in as a participant during D.A.R.E. week.

They stopped doing D.A.R.E.. At least, they stopped it where I live, pretty sure they stopped it everywhere. Apparently it was making kids *more* likely to do drugs. Go figure.

what exactly do you mean by "discipline?"