By icy_in_indiana - 11/12/2013 03:41 - United States - Greensburg

Today, a woman called the store I work for. When she found out it was a wrong number, she started to cry and asked me to stay on the line with her, talking about her dead husband and how she hasn't laughed in years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 277
You deserved it 3 226

icy_in_indiana tells us more.

To those who said I'm selfish for saying FML, I was just following the conventions of the site. Trust me, the situation was awkward for me, but I so feel so much more sorry for the lady who called. She was meaning to call who I assume to be family or a friend to ask for toilet paper, but instead called the grocery store. I stayed on the line for a short while, but since we're not allowed to take personal calls at work, I had to refer her to someone else. I can only hope that she found someone to keep her company.

Top comments

That's a horrible situation :( sounds like she just needed someone to talk to.

You're an awesome person for staying on the phone with her. I hope you told her about any sales you had going on.


There's prerecorded prank call just like that on prankdial, where you enter their number and it sends a call first asking about toilet paper then talking about how she hasn't talked to anyone in years.

Look on prankdial and find the crazy old lady prank. You type in a phone number and it sends a prerecorded situation just like this. I'm serious.

We'll the least u can do is help the poor soul through it

Lmao! That was a prank call. From a site called "prank dialed". Sorry you fell for it but that is so funny

Not to sound like a jerk but I'm sure it was a prank

Please tell me you did it? She probably just needed someone.

All of u guys are stupid. That was a prank call from an app u can get on your phone, trust me ive used it already.

There's a prank call app my sister has that has that same message. it's timed just right and I thought it was real... had me going for a bit.