By buckid310 - 03/11/2009 21:17 - United States

Today, a woman evidently posted on a chat website asking for any young men to send pictures of their junk to her cell phone. Over 60 messages were sent, mostly by underage boys, most of them including the picture. Only problem. The number posted wasn't hers... It was mine. I'm a 21 year old guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 014
You deserved it 2 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who figured it out, you or your girlfriend while she was using your phone?

schinthalapuri 0

This is the first good fml I've read in a long time


iluvpandas 0
mollie1 0

bosshaug= idot for not knowing what age has to do with it. question: do any of you think that op should be proactive and take this to authorities? it's a pretty serious deal, isn't it? or am I just being over sensitive?

gabsie14 0

nope- you're not being overly sensitive. I agree. (:

Man, it took them a long time to re-assign Michael Jackson's mobile phone number!

Oh yeah, that was ******' hilarious.. Dumb ****..

Aww, someone's got a large stick wedged up her ass! Get buttfucked, it'll loosen it up, bitch.

waterynuggets 0

Yeah it was ******* hilarious. (Michael didn't do it, BTW. stfffffffffffu)

Yeah, he didn't do it, even though there were numerous occasions of children sleeping with him in his bed... But no, he just really loved children! Would you let him babysit your kids? GTFO

Shadow_vamp_503 2

Ouch... that burns. Poor MJ. My vote is, he didnt do it. Just saying. To OP, DELETE them. as in, now. that's just crazy and really ****** up

I doubt this woulda happened if it wasn't someone who had access to your number. Then again, someone has to have every number.

Grrreg 0

Hang on, how underage cause this story could range from not particularly nice to downright disturbing?

freak14 0

Dude, you need to get rid of it now. Don't get sent to jail home slice.

Pebbles89 9

that's terrible :( i'm sorry buddy