By jameen - 07/05/2016 11:48 - United Kingdom - Newbury

Today, a woman rear-ended my car. She's trying to sue me for 'emotional damage'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 744
You deserved it 1 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tbh some people are just stupid af they sue for the dumbest shit ever. I remember a while ago a burglar broke in a house, got attacked by the owners dog, sued because the owner didn't have a beware of dog sign, and won the case like wtf is up with all this bullshit.


Kevin55_fml 11

People will sue for the dumbest of reasons... Next this lady will be suing for health complications after hitting YOUR car. Sorry OP and good luck!

People think they should get something out of everything and that pisses me off

She's a woman... Oh boy, you may be doomed..

cj134 4

Complete and utter stupidity

ouijacorn 9

Now, now, the sudden realization that she's an idiot is probably very emotionally damaging.

You're not even from the US. I wasn't aware this tendency to sue for ridiculous reasons had reached Europe..

If I need a lawyer. I'm going to call you! XD