By birdguts - 31/01/2011 02:34 - United Kingdom

Today, after 2 years together, my boyfriend finally proposed. I excitedly said yes. Just as we began to kiss, my half crazed cat ran in, dropped a half eaten bird at our feet, and promptly threw up on the carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 996
You deserved it 5 260

Same thing different taste


gabrielleangeliq 0

Finally proposed after only two years? Jesus Christ, OP; two years is when you should START thinking about engagement. Take your cat's reaction as a sign from the heavens.

soldier4life_88 0

you're an idiot if you think that's too soon or that the cats reaction is a sign from the heavens! cats leave dead animals for their owners as gifts. so in the cats eyes, leaving the dead bird is a GOOD thing!

She should be glad he proposed earlier than other guys I've read about on here rather than say "finally".

soldier4life_88 0

I'm sorry that's sorta funny!!!

Bosh. Plenty of marriages work out after a dating period of far less than two years, and plenty crash and burn after much longer dating periods. There's no magic time limit either way - it's about knowing you're compatible, preferably weathering a few of life's storms together, discussing your life goals and plans, getting to know each other, and so on; and some couples can do that much more quickly than others. Sniping about a two-year-long relationship is just ridiculous. I can see skepticism if it were six weeks (although heck, there are plenty of marriages that work out just fine from courtships that short too!), but really? You think they're rushing into it after two years? That's just bizarre. Congrats, OP!

gabrielleangeliq 0

If you read mu comment carefully,it wasn't the two years thing that caught my attention. It was that she said he FINALLY proposed. I said that two years is when you SHOULD start thinking of marriage. I think the marriage is doomed since the OP believes he should have proposed to her a long time ago because that makes her a moron. So I find it ridiculous that you wrote that long comment responding to something I didn't say.

Read *my* comment carefully. You applied a blanket statement, that two years is the time couples "should" start thinking about engagement. Which is ridiculous. It's not even a widespread social rule: where did you come up with it? There are plenty of reasons why the OP might be impatient for her boyfriend to propose - maybe their relationship started off very quickly, they moved in together after 4 months, and the engagement has been expected by friends and family for the last year. In which case the OP might be sick of fielding questions about it. Or maybe the couple had discussed marriage many times without the guy ever actually getting around to a proper proposal. Or maybe the couple had been intending to get engaged for the past year, but wanted to pay off a student loan or finish a degree or save up for a ring first, and it took longer than expected. Need I go on? Calling her a "moron" just because she doesn't adhere to your arbitrary schedule of when relationships "should" progress to marriage... is just... well, sad.

Michigan_Girl 0

I'm right there with you! This is not a FML.

FYLDeep 25

It's not that bad. You only lost like 20 minutes at the most dealing with that, and then you can get back to living happily ever after.

So, your boyfriend proposed to you in your own home? How lame

joa76 3

Not everyone WANTS a public proposal...

Didn't Say it HAD to be public. Ge could have been a hell of a lot more romantic then in the place they live in. Sorry, I'd rather my boyfriend propose to me romantically then sporadically.