By Stupid - 22/04/2013 06:58 - United States - Post Falls

Today, after a few weeks of my friends pestering me to spend time with a mutual friend, I realized we had a lot in common. We both love shoes, peanut butter, and it appears that my boyfriend of three years is her boyfriend of four years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 115
You deserved it 5 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments


perdix 29

So, he's been cheating on her with you. But, let's forget all that and focus on what's really important: Peanut Butter. It's just fantastic! Sometimes I'm in a smooth mood and other times I feel chunky. What does everyone else think?

flockz 19

i only buy the peanut butter that my dog likes. you know, for when i uh make him peanut butter and jelly sandwiches ya.

Either he is incredibly suave or both girls were too in love to notice any of the warning signs. Either way he deserves to be confronted, beaten, up and probably more. But I do have to say 3 years of hiding a horrible thing like this takes work and skill. He is definitely dedicated.

Id have the gf set up a date to meet her friend(you) and really put him on the spot in front of a crowd! Or in private where you can beat the crap out of him!

onorexveritas 23

hopefully you both dump him

Jessie2410 15

How in the world did you not know if he'd been doing it for three years? There must have been signs...

I imagine doing that is the last thing on her mind, considering the circumstances.