By datgirl92 - 24/05/2013 14:00 - Canada - Toronto
Same thing different taste
By Hopeless - 08/02/2011 03:22
My guy
By Anonymous - 03/01/2022 01:00 - United Kingdom - Newport
Creeper alert!
By creeper-status - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Irvine
What a coinkydink
By Anonymous - 06/12/2020 22:02 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 01/07/2009 19:18 - United States
By YouWish - 25/08/2016 03:57 - United States - Mount Pleasant
Freaky and scary
By Creeped Out - 12/03/2023 14:00 - United Kingdom - Witham
Sharing is caring
By blackrose - 08/08/2021 02:01
By jflac - 24/12/2014 12:03 - Australia - Brisbane
By Itsnotmeitsyou - 11/10/2013 06:09 - Australia
Top comments
So he got you in the end, how sweet :)
sweet but sad considering how vain she is as all that changed were his looks
it means that he will never give up on you
19, I'm pretty sure she meant that she couldn't recognise him cause his looks have changed. Doesn't matter what a creepy stalker looks like, you don't go there.
If OP's boyfriend is not currently obsessive and has no malicious intent then I don't think the past is much of a problem. I have a feeling that OP's boyfriend didn't truly stalk her, or else the authorities/a restraining order would be involved. I dunno, justI think he deserves a second chance as long as his current behavior is normal.
43, I had a guy who used to follow me home after school a few times (he didn't follow me quite to my house) and gave me love notes, I still consider that stalking but I didn't press charges, we were young and he just had a crush on me that he took a bit far. But if I found out I was dating him (I know his name but if I didn't) I don't know what I'd do because that would make me feel like he was stalking me without me for all these years. However, you're probably right, if he's not showing obsessive behaviour he should get a second chance but that would always be in the back of my mind if it was me.
Happy creepy ending
Now that's dedication.
Obviously he wasn't so creepy. Once his looks changed she was interested. That's all that creeped her out... otherwise she wouldn't date him now. Op is probably vain and the " creepy stalker" is just a normal guy. He should probably get a girlfriend that appreciates him for him...
Stalking pays off I guess.....
My life motto.
This has just encouraged stalkers across the globe!
No, most of the time it doesn't. :(
That's actually pretty creepy... Did you not remember his name from before?
The word "stranger" makes me think that she didn't know his name in high school.
I would think even hearing a similar or same name would trigger memories of the event, assuming she even knew his name to begin with. But if she didn't even know his name chances are he wasn't really stalking her. I would assume stalking victim would at least know the stalkers name, if for no reason other than to report or avoid them. But then again, I've never been stalked...that I know of...
you don't know the name. just the face. been there :/
Twisted love story
Still a better love story than twilight
and yet it does have some similarities.
Ydi for only liking him when he became handsome.
She wasn't even saying that he got better looking, she was saying she didn't recognise him. Anyway, even if he was good looking when he stalked her, why would she go for him?
26, I really doubt you've been in a meaningful relationship. Whatever happened to liking someone for who they are and not how they look like?
Even though we hate to admit it but we know that number 6 is telling the truth. She specially said that his look drastically change so either, he got handsome or ugly. she is shallow but I don't blame her because that's the society we love in.
@69 - You know, because the reason for not dating him before was purely lack of physical attraction, not his potentially obsessive behavior that's quite common in STALKERS. Looks can take a drastic lateral change, you know.
Also, 65, I wanted you to know that I accidentally thumbed you up instead of down. Your comment also lacked intelligence. Most people meet out of two circumstances-common ground or physical attraction. So while not every relationship is initially based on looks, many are, and the rest are only developed over time from said common ground, whether it's school, work, friendship, etc. So to judge someone for pointing out that physical attraction just makes you seem ignorant.
While I agree with most of you that physical attraction is what most people recognize/look for first, you can like someone off of their personality alone, and I know that with a lot of people the better the personality the better they start to look physically as well.
OP only said his looks have changed because she didn't recognise him.
Not every relationship or crush stems from being physically attracted to someone. I am asexual for instance. I can recognize when a person is good looking but I don't have any feelings passed the person looks good or feel like I want to have sex with that person. On the other hand, a person becomes way more attractive to me because of their personality than how good looking they are.
All I can say is the dude is persistent !
Score one for stalking! It's news like this that helps me to remember persistence pays off. I'm now convinced the girl I have locked in my basement WILL love me someday. Or else...
Just don't forget to feed her
Don't forget perdix needs Internet to entertain us on fml as well.
welcome to the internet buddy, where everything is fair game
Oh, man. Jane totally called me out on stalking her when I checked out her page. Well played!
It's always the awkward people that turn out to be great when you get to know them, even if it's without your knowledge.

So he got you in the end, how sweet :)
Stalking pays off I guess.....