By Stupid - 22/04/2013 06:58 - United States - Post Falls

Today, after a few weeks of my friends pestering me to spend time with a mutual friend, I realized we had a lot in common. We both love shoes, peanut butter, and it appears that my boyfriend of three years is her boyfriend of four years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 115
You deserved it 5 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments


vic55jets 13

How he kept this a secret for so long, we will never know.

Does no one in your group of friends have Facebook? Like, how are there no pictures online for four years of him with either of you girls...that's a bit odd to me

A lot of people don't have facebook accounts

An entire group of friends...that seems a bit unlikely.

GoodLookingGeese 10
Tim2415 16

What a sorry piece of shit...

3 years of your life wasted. I hope you guys scratched his car and beat his ass.

What a pair of idiots. How do both of you date someone for years and not question that half of his time can't be explained in any way? You probably both knew and were in denial.

cmc777 4

Your friends were probably pestering you both, because they knew and didn't want to tell you. But seriously? How do you date someone for 3 years and have mutual friends and not find out sooner? Makes no sense.