By Noname - 03/02/2009 19:57 - United States

Today, after a late night at a bar, I stepped into my building's elevator with a Chinese man who was carrying a plastic bag. Without thinking, I said, "Oooh, are you still delivering?" His response was, "I live here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 916
You deserved it 55 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im Chinese. i used to work in a Chinese restaurant. i loved this fml. if i were that Asian man in the elevator, i would have been highly amused. laugh a little, people. the world needs it.


haha that's funny. I also think it's funny when people get offended by that stuff. Live a little, forreal.

erictuong 0

WOW thats racist and im asian ......

Since it's pretty clear your retarded, here's what you should do. Go to McDonalds, order a big mac for your fat ass and kill yourself. Kill yourself now.

It must be a large building if it has an elevator. That's a lot of neighbours to get to know.

ur clearly a douch. ur response to aaron's response was terrible. "so there." wutr u 12?

"but the moment you start assuming stuff about people based on a single unproven criterion like appearance or sexual preference or whatever" That's PREJUDICE you're describing, not racism. Racism is the prejudice that your group is superior to others. Get your story straight.

vreaulamata 0

thats not an fml - thats a good one!

LOL, your a JA. i'm asn though i find that pretty funny.

ikr I completely agree. in NYC especially, if you live on park ave in those riculously expensive apartments, it's mainly white. umm hello?! the Chinese are filthy rich too