By Noname - 03/02/2009 19:57 - United States

Today, after a late night at a bar, I stepped into my building's elevator with a Chinese man who was carrying a plastic bag. Without thinking, I said, "Oooh, are you still delivering?" His response was, "I live here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 916
You deserved it 55 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im Chinese. i used to work in a Chinese restaurant. i loved this fml. if i were that Asian man in the elevator, i would have been highly amused. laugh a little, people. the world needs it.


EvilCupcake8361 9

Asian restaurants hire Mexicans for delivery too. cause they're cheaper

roxan_richie 0

More of a stereotype then anything lol chill out ppl an honest mistake probably not on purpose n, well, hello this is FML!!

Racist. Think before you speak, dumbass.