By Anonymous - 29/08/2013 19:33 - United States - Little Rock

Today, after a long couple of months working non-stop, I finally got someone to cover my shift. Turns out she was joking, and when I didn't show up for work, I was fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 875
You deserved it 3 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an unfair co worker and boss. Hope you find a better job op!

wonderbreadtee 5

That's why where I worked, we always had to let our boss know when the shifts were changed.


I'm always shocked at how easy it is to get fired in the US, the number of FMLs we see about unfair dismissals is appalling... Don't you guys have any rights??

Icemist 6

yes we have alot of rights. this case is a bit different. if the schedule change is not approved and documented employers can hold you responsible for the. missed shift. A good argument would be first no call no show. most states wull allow one if the attendence policy does not spell out termination on first offense.

CharresBarkrey 15

A lot of states in the US are "right to work" states, and employers literally do not need a reason to fire someone, and they don't have to provide you with an explanation if they do.

TheDrifter 23

Please stop collecting "facts" from msnbc. Right to work doesn't remove any worker protections, it gives the right to work at any business, even one employing unionized workers, without joining a union. At will employment is what you're thinking of, where you may be terminated for any infraction, or no reason at all.

You're advising someone to stop collecting facts from msnbc... How the **** do you assume that?

I had the same thing happen to me once, some girl agreed to cover my shift and no one showed up for it and after working similarly nonstop in the position for a year they let me go. -I wonder if that was the same girl!? Anyway, I managed to get another job immediately, better pay and hours too! Hope it works out for you like it did for me, OP! Good luck!

Isn't it against labor laws to have someone work more than 7 days without at least one day off in between?

1030love 10

No. I've worked 18 days in a row before. I usually only work 5 days, but they asked me to come in for some short shifts on my days off since there was a lot going on at the time and I agreed. I don't know anything about a limit to how many days you can work in a row.

Most jobs I have had have been 5days on 2days off... that is until i started in age care and they can have me work 6days straight 1day off 2days on 3days off 2days on.

TheDrifter 23

Certain industries require a day off at certain intervals by OSHA code. But there is no requirement for a general day off, only a rule stating that (outside of "essential services" and truck drivers) working more than 48 hours in a week cannot be a condition of continued employment and must be voluntary.

Depends on the state, In Illinois it is illegal, unless it is in an industry that gets special consideration for one reason or another.

I have a hard time believing this is true. I mean I get people being dumb. But what's the rest of the story op?

Nice shot!Maybe ur co-worker just wannna help u out.

But wouldn't you have had to clear it with management first so they could switch in the computer system and allow your coworker to clock-in during your shift, thus essentially making it your coworkers shift at that point and not yours? How could they fire you and not her then?

Well on the point you deserve a break...appeal it you should get your job back...

that's why you ask your manager to find someone to cover your shift. you got screwed.

Lili_love 14

that's not the manager's problem if OP can't work, therefore not her job to find a person to cover