By rapunzel3416 - 14/03/2016 06:31 - United States - Colton

Today, after a lot of complaints from other members, I told an old lady at the gym I work at that she couldn't sit in the sauna naked. She responded by grabbing her boobs and shaking them in my face. I don't get paid enough for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 443
You deserved it 1 710

rapunzel3416 tells us more.

Yay! This is mine. So more back story her and her husband both have dementia so they often get lost wondering around or lose each other. Her husband is the sweetest old man and she is very cranky and rude. It was an awkward situation and she's been told not to walk around naked because it's a family facility and she often wears nothing but a small towel to walk around the pool deck as well. Can't blame her too much because at her age most people just don't care anymore. Also we have a sign that specifically states to wear clothes in the sauna.

Top comments

Old people just don't give a ****. I admire that quality as much as I cringe at it.

rldostie 19

At least she's comfortable with her body? Still rude of her, of course. I don't have an issue with nakedness but shaking body parts at someone is rarely good form.


MikaykayUnicorn 36

Thank you for your valuable input.

I didn't want to get dislikes as a first comment. So that's what came to my mind.

But wouldn't you want to say something valuable to snag top comment? Or is that just me?

I was nervous :/ I wanted to comment and I couldn't think of anything else

rldostie 19

At least she's comfortable with her body? Still rude of her, of course. I don't have an issue with nakedness but shaking body parts at someone is rarely good form.

its sexual harassment, plain and simple. women shouldn't be allowed to challenge people they don't agree with by waving body parts around #triggered

I don't know why you are getting thumbed down, if a man waved his penis around I think it could be considered harassment. Traditionally saunas are for naked people but if the rule is no naked people, perhaps due to hygiene, then that's fair enough I think.

Reihna_fml 14

You are exactly right, and just because she is old doesn't make it any less harassing.

To be fair, penises aren't really a good comparison for breasts, their counterpart is the ******. Still agree, though. If there's a no nudity rule it should be followed.

#34 Technically you're right, but in terms of breasts, I can't think what the equivalent is seeing as it is often socially acceptable for males to go topless but not females.

I used to do work in a retirement home. You see an open door you look in and you really wish you hadn't.

My 97 year old great-grandmother lived with us for a while when I was about 11 and one morning I went downstairs for breakfast and she was just waking around completely naked. I'm still scarred.

I'd tell her to leave. After puking on her.

Old people just don't give a ****. I admire that quality as much as I cringe at it.

did you check for hidden cameras? xD

itssnotfunny 24

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UserError94 18

You're one of those rude ass customers that shit on employees cause they get paid less aren't you...

Usually I'm pretty sympathetic for comments that get buried, but yeah, that was just ****** up. People don't ask to be in the "situations" that they are in, and that's only if it's a "situation" at all! I've met teachers who were a million times happier than some of my friends with higher salaries and they wouldn't change their low-income jobs for the world!

I think at that point, it's completely acceptable to barf all over her and think about cupcakes or some other shit that ain't geriatric boobage. ****.

Am I the only who doesn't like the new FML update?