By Anonymous - 22/09/2012 23:49 - United States - Eudora

Today, after a week of not seeing each other, my boyfriend has a three day break from work. This would be great if he hadn't just told me he's having a Guild Wars 2 marathon. Now all I have to look forward to is slow wifi and anguished screams every time his character dies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 019
You deserved it 3 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How about you make yourself an account and play with him?

I feel your pain... mine is the same way.


Bludmagnus 13

That bites. Any guy who chooses those online games like that over sex... pathetic.

mookiemookie01 24

well sometimes you just feel like playing games

ThatGirlPeach 4

Ahhh mine is the same, except he plays LOL, stops me from using the internet, & I have to sit in another room for about 8 hours listening to cheers & shouts of "for **** sake!" every so often! FML!

hakuyuki 2

Oh Boohoo :/ Seriously? I'm engaged to a gamer and am one myself. Gaming is one of ways we connected. The only thing women are proving by going and smashing thousands of dollars worth of gaming equipment is proving how bitchy women really are. To all of the women saying to dump him? His friends are saying the exact thing, to go find a gaming girl. OP probably bitches at him for gaming too.... if he is still hanging on to your whiny ass...keep him..he's a good guy...he could be doing FAR worse I don't know, cheating on you, drinking, doing drugs.

KingJiggleMuffin 15

I play Guild Wars 2, but I would still spend most of my off time with my girlfriend than in a virtual reality

How about you stop complaining and play with him?

Maybe tell him to play a good game? -drops mic-

Limizuki 8

so create a Guild Wars 2 account and make sure you're the cause of those anguished screams