By iwantmoney - 22/07/2011 00:20 - United States

Today, after babysitting, the parents actually tried to pay me in Trident Layers Gum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 266
You deserved it 5 123

Same thing different taste


BloodyDraven 0

you should've taken the trident layers, but only if they gave you the same amount of what you charged them, then ur good for half a year atleast, lol

jackrileymac 4
sexxme 9

hey, at least they gave you something. my parents never gave me anything when i babysat my sister. they wouldn't even let me accept any money for babysitting the neighbor's kids. i would've gladly taken the gum.

Exactly what happens to me. My parents tell me that my payment is food and a roof over my head.. Haha, I wish I got gum!

leemurcat 5

You would rather have gum than food and a roof over your head?

randomgirl92 4

it depends how many packs did they offer?

YDI for doing a good job, gum is absolutely the perfect pay for you.

Cierra657 0

Yeaah can you give me the number & let them know im okay with the offer?

mooshyface26 0