By iwantmoney - 22/07/2011 00:20 - United States

Today, after babysitting, the parents actually tried to pay me in Trident Layers Gum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 266
You deserved it 5 123

Same thing different taste


Ah, they were probably just trying to be funny. I haven't seen that commercial in ages, it seems!

jessamoree 0

mmmm... no one ever pays me in gum.. :( Genius!

You get what you pay for...I suppose the wellbeing of their child isn't worth actual money to them.

& you're writing a FML bout it? Seems like a win to me.

next time just get both the money and gum :D

batmanpete 0

gotta admit, if u saw it happen to someone else, you would laugh

Everything is always funnier when it happens to someone else...