By nekkiddrunk - 14/01/2010 02:04 - United States

Today, I locked myself, drunk and naked, out of my hotel room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 895
You deserved it 40 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's so bad about that? You were drunk and free. That's a win.

idiot i would have laugh at you and taken pictures to laugh at you later in life


wintamint101 7

at least you remember it...haha they're going to call you to the lobby and show you footage of what happened.

DamionDude 0

Op- I hope you pissed yourself while your at it too

idiot i would have laugh at you and taken pictures to laugh at you later in life

I would have take pictures and blackmail XD

agreed. you are an idiot. why would you step out of your hotel room naked and why the hell would you even shut the door behind you. you deserve it if you would be that dumb

Honestly how can anyone press the FYL button?

I feel a Darwin-award nomination coming up...

Uhm.. Darwin awards are given to people who are so stupid they remove themselves from the gene pool, not just for being stupid.

Darwin Awards are for people who do such stupid things that they die

Or at least eliminate themselves from the gene pool, thus aiding evolution.

There is one man who received the Darwin Award and lived. Larry the lawnchair baloon guy. He tied the weather baloons to his lawnchair to fly it. He survived.

No, he just got an honourable mention. You MUST take yourself out of the gene pool in order to win an award...

What's so bad about that? You were drunk and free. That's a win.

I like your abs. Just putting that out there.

And cue a billion "YDI for drinking, this is why I never drink" responses...

Well at least you didn't have huge tube of anal lube in your hand when they found you to let you back in, did you? No really, did you?

This is why you don't step out of your hotel room naked!

Emill_fml 0

 jurassic FAIL! YDI for leavin nude.