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By owie - 29/08/2019 12:00 - Canada

Today, after breaking my leg, I'm unable to put any weight on it whatsoever. Our bedroom? Upstairs. Our only bathroom? Basement. My husband thought it would be a great idea to leave me alone and unable to walk to go babysit his nieces. I had to piss in a bucket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 722
You deserved it 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay but what kind of architect would design a house with the only bathroom in the basement?

Major_Haywire 7

Not being flippant, but hop and sit on the stairs to go down one at a time. Had to master this at an early age so I know it sucks. Hope you heal quickly 👍


Major_Haywire 7

Not being flippant, but hop and sit on the stairs to go down one at a time. Had to master this at an early age so I know it sucks. Hope you heal quickly 👍

OP's ability to do the butt-slide down the stairs may depend on the size of the cast and how recent it is. When I broke my fibula and tibia, it was at a really weird/bad angle and I was told not to put *any* weight on that leg for the first 3 weeks - I was told to use a wheelchair even in the house. And the cast went up to mid-thigh, so I couldn't even get into a position to butt-slide down stairs until my second and thankfully shorter cast.

Okay but what kind of architect would design a house with the only bathroom in the basement?

I'm wondering if OP meant only working bathroom. Like it's under renovation? If not, that really blows. I know really old homes don't have them on main floors, but will on the second floor with bedrooms. I'm sure it's code somewhere that a home requires a working bathroom in all habitable spaces. A basement isn't habitable unless it's finished. Until then it's considered storage!

Mathalamus 24

Someone had to babysit the nieces. And you aren't exactly completely immobile. The design of the house is questionable, though.

That somebody? They're called parents or hired babysitters....

Mathalamus 24

The parents obviously weren't availed and they clearly didn't trust a stranger.

rotflqtms_ 21

Your doctor didn't recommend crutches? I would have asked for crutches so I could get around. I hate being dependent on anyone for my mobility. Now that you know these things can happen, if it's allowed, see about getting crutches.

You mean crutch technology has not made it to the Great White North? Obvious solution: adult diapers.

Susan Yee 9

Just bring some food and put a bed in the basement. Problem Solved.

mcsmee 7

On the plus side, now your husband has to carry a piss-filled bucket downstairs to empty it.

Somehow I'm sure that he'll find an excuse not to....

Drai Gray 8

being a bit of a cry baby if you ask me.....

Adapt and overcome. When my mom broke her leg, she got a chair potty that my dad would then empty when she was done. Its also possible to slide down the steps, etc.

Hubby could've made it even worse: leave the nieces with OP and trekked off to the nearest bar. Good luck, OP!