By NickC - 28/11/2009 10:16 - Malaysia

Today, after burning all my past-papers, books and notes in celebration of finishing maths forever, I found out I have to re-take my maths exam to get the minimum grade for college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 250
You deserved it 50 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do so many people think they can just throw away or destroy their papers and stuff when they THINK they are done? Keep hold of crap for 6 months before tossing it just to make sure.

Why would you burn your books? You can probably get money for those! I mean burning your notes is dumb enough...



That TOTALLY sucks but...YDI. You should have used a tiny bit of common sense and checked to see if you had to do that exam. Plus...burning? Really? You should have just put it all in a bin somewhere. There are WAY too many FMLs these days where all they needed was a little common sense and it never would've happened. But anyways, YDI for not using your lil noggin.

You, Sir, deserve to fail that math exam. YDI

Geez, you couldve sold the books online at least lol.

Yes, Maths. A lot of people say Maths instead of Math. They say it here in England and apparently wherever the OP lives. It must be nice for people to be so ignorant about other languages.

In England we say 'maths', I suppose as a way of abbreviating 'mathematics', it's not a big deal really, is it?


And a note to add to my previous post: There was an AMAZING invention called the ONLINE TEXTBOOK. Although this would only recover the textbook part of your little let's-burn-math session. Your papers and could have scanned them all onto your computer and save it all into neat, organized folders. And you also could have sold the textbooks (if they were left in a good condition). You burned books containing plastic...CANCER x_x

Looks like you need to study Englishes a bit more too.

@38 looks like you need to stop being a ******* dumb bitch and not be so ignorant about other languages. In the UK they say maths

In the USA we say math. Yes we're superior lmao ;D

Probably because they buy so little foreign TV, choosing instead to copy it into their own version Whereas we buy theirs and hear their idiosincracies of language and so understand and don't question them.

I love the BBC!!! Couplings is still my favorite show, wish there were more episodes!

well there is bbc america, but its not as much as we get of yours, your TV is on the majority of our chanels

perdix 29

I thought that after "Fahrenheit 451" and the Nazis that you'd realize that things don't usually turn out well for the book-burners. YDI, you stupid fascist.

Guess the op needs a refresher in history too...

gigi2009 0

why has this become a maths & english argument?

Because some did not realise that there are variations of the word "mathematics". Some places they call it math, in others they call it maths.