By sleepy momma - 02/06/2013 06:06 - United States - Altoona

Today, after buying 3 new alarm clocks, I finally decided to video tape myself all night to figure out if my alarm clock was broken or if I was oversleeping. Turns out I wake up around 4am each day and turn them off without remembering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 844
You deserved it 6 523

Same thing different taste

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I've always wanted to record myself sleeping, but I'm a little scared to what I might find out haha idk

I'll sell you a high quality rooster for only $29.95. Just you try to shut him up in your sleep without remembering it the next morning!


RenoTheRhino 30

You should hide alarm clocks everywhere in your room and then wait until the next morning to see if you turned all of them off. If you do, that's pretty crazy!

put them out of easy reach. Or use something that requires more effort to turn off, like a T.V. or a computer.

aj9090 9

I think I do this too, lol.

Android and apple both have alarms were you have to do a math problem and get it right in order to shut it off this way you have to wake up other wise it goes off every 5 mins after time you set

martron3000 5

Try putting the clock across the room where you'd have to get up and walk over to turn it off. That would help wake you up. Also maybe you're not getting enough sleep, which is why you can't wake up easily. If possible, try to go to bed earlier so you will not be as sleepy when the alarm rings.

Put a passcode on your phone and try that...or get one that will not stop going off...

I would be terrified to record myself asleep 0.0 too scared too find out if anything goes bump in the night.

I can't imagine being such a heavy sleeper. Hell, I wake up with just a phone vibrating against my comforter. You must be a very very sleepy momma. Maybe get one of those apps that require you to do math before you can turn off the alarm.

IvyPalin 7

Make sure the clocks aren't near you, out one on a shelf, across the room, even a drawer, and set multiple alarms at odd times on your phone, it's super annoying when your being woke up but it helps