By sleepy momma - 02/06/2013 06:06 - United States - Altoona

Today, after buying 3 new alarm clocks, I finally decided to video tape myself all night to figure out if my alarm clock was broken or if I was oversleeping. Turns out I wake up around 4am each day and turn them off without remembering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 844
You deserved it 6 523

Same thing different taste

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I've always wanted to record myself sleeping, but I'm a little scared to what I might find out haha idk

I'll sell you a high quality rooster for only $29.95. Just you try to shut him up in your sleep without remembering it the next morning!


I have a similar problem. No matter how many and where I put all of my alarm clocks, I turn them off without realising. Apparently, I also talk through my sleep so that people who are trying to wake me up leave me alone.

WonkeyDonkey 10
WonkeyDonkey 10

I can empathize with you there OP! There are times I either sleep right through my alarms (i set multiple alarms with multiple tones on my iPhone 5 mins apart from each other) and don't hear a thing or I'm told I've been caught getting up and turning them off during my sleep also. I don't know what else I can do? The Hubby tries waking me but apparently I bullshit him saying I'm awake and getting up, so he goes back to bed and I continue sleeping and don't remember any of it! :(

I've never shut off my alarm, but I used to find my retainer in it's case every morning despite putting it in my mouth at night. No clue when I took it out, but I hated that thing.

zman0900 11

I used to do that too. First time scared the shit out of me because I thought I swallowed it.

get multiple alarm clocks and put them around your room. make sure its in a different location every night.

arkin5 4

4 AM every night? How is that possible if AM is always morning ?

crazytwinsmom 25

This doesn't surprise me since I walk, answer the phone, and talk in my sleep. There are phone apps with the math problem alarm too. Good luck OP!

Night self always screws over morning self.