By Go away - 10/11/2013 08:03 - United States - Humboldt

Today, after doing vigorous chores all day with my girlfriend, her mom came and paid us each $100. My girlfriend cried and threw a fit because she said they were her chores, so she deserves all the money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 549
You deserved it 4 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Paid $100 for chores? Holy crap, that's about $100 more than most people get for doing chores at all. She sounds extremely spoiled.

That's is a greedy girlfriend and you shouldn't be with someone who is selfish. Either talk to her or distance yourself from her. Oh, and don't give her your money.


what an immature brat...let's hope she does some serious growing up if you plan on having a future with her!

Sounds like your girlfriend is still a child.

Who are the dumb asses who chose you deserve it? Who cares if they were her chores. If she didn't do all of them by herself she doesn't deserve the entire pay. You don't get paid for work you didn't do. Not to mention $100 is a nice bit of change. Shouldn't be upset over money like that.

My reward for chores was the fact that I had a roof over my head.

dump that bitch. khaba lenja (which basically means the same thing, i just think it sounds better that way lol)

sarahbevan20 11

Wtf i do all the damn chores in my house and i dont get any money.... Some things should be done without expecting anything in return..... dump her spoiled ass

Alright here's what you do Give her a choice, ether you or the 100 now if she chooses you then there's no problem but if she chooses the money say fine it's in the car Go out, get in the car and drive

That right there is a perfect example of the entitlement generation. Run as fast as you can from her OP. Faster than Forest Gump !

grashopper8 7

It's her mom's fault for spoiling the crap out of her. You're so young, awkward immature stuff like this is gonna pop up from time to time, next time it could be you acting bratty - growing up is hard!