By imamomma - 20/12/2011 18:59 - United States

Today, after explaining to my two year old that we were going bra shopping, he decided to announce to the entire bank that we were going to buy Mommy some boobies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 217
You deserved it 26 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids and their silly comments. But why would you even specify what type of shopping?

Damn_Hippster 11

Why would you tell your 2 year old that you were going to go bra shopping? He's only 2. He obviously doesn't understand.


ragnorak6801 0

why did you tell them you were going bra shopping you could have just said shopping

Why would you try to explain that to a 2 year old?

why would you tell that to your kid IN the bank. just go there and he'll figure it out