By imamomma - 20/12/2011 18:59 - United States

Today, after explaining to my two year old that we were going bra shopping, he decided to announce to the entire bank that we were going to buy Mommy some boobies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 217
You deserved it 26 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids and their silly comments. But why would you even specify what type of shopping?

Damn_Hippster 11

Why would you tell your 2 year old that you were going to go bra shopping? He's only 2. He obviously doesn't understand.


megapeyt 17
tbone87 1

The kid wanted mommy to talk to a loan officer for new bigger-better-boobies for him to suck milk threw, obviously.

MoNnEy_MiiTE 3

Well it all depends on your size OP. For instance, you have 36C which stands for "Cant ask for much better!!" and if you have 34B which stands for "Barely anything there!" so people can see if you really are or not

How does a 2 year old know what boobies are? Bad parenting..

UsEumYong 4

If you need to go bra shopping he obviously doesn't understand that you already HAVE the boobies.

You're two year old knows what a bra is? Impressive

blunttobluntest 12

Well, aren't you a dimwit for explaining to your son what type of shopping you are going to do.

Banks are clearly the place for kids to gain you a bad reputation. My wife was in the bank with my daughter once and asked her what they should buy daddy for his birthday. Apparently she replied without any trace of hesitation "beer!". Now I don't object to an occasional beer but it really is occasional. The patrons of the bank, however, now believe that it's my primary pastime. The teller apparently replied "I'm a dad. I would like beer for my birthday!".

crazyrunnergirl 7

It's not what you say it's what the other person hears