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By andy - 01/01/2010 14:12 - United States

Today, my 4 year-old daughter was looking at a magazine cover with a well endowed model showing off her cleavage. She looked at me and said, "Mommy, when I grow up, will I have big round boobies like her or tiny pointy ones like you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 559
You deserved it 4 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks!! I feel ya, I'm part of the "small boobies" club too! Lol!! Its bad enough that we have to deal with men and their ignorant small boob comments, now they're coming from a 4yr old?!! Don't sweat it sweetie!! Hold those tiny perky boobs high!!! Lol!! :)


confizzled 0

Congratz on not announcing your First-ness like a fag o; You're more of a winner than the ones who say "zOMG FIRSTIES!!!1!!1111!!one!!!1!1111!!!!eleven!!!!11!1@!@!!!!

Congrats for bringing up something that wasn't necessary at all. Dumbass.

confizzled 0

Thank you very much I really appriciate your congratulations.

haha that sucks on so many levels. even on the day before new years !! wat a way to start off the year

Quiet_one 22

Lol. A few years ago while I was babysitting a girl of about 4 years old, she sat in my lap and then looked up at me and out of nowhere asked "Are you a mommy?" I said "No, why?" and she answered, while pointing at my chest, "Because you have those!" I just told her no and changed the subject, but I have a feeling my face was bright red. Easily one of the most awkward moments of my life, especially since I was only 15 and incredibly self-conscious. It's funny now, though. It's always so awkward when kids comment on boobs...

BrownSugar_fml 5

hahaha I'm sorry you're a member of the ittiy bitty tittie commitee I hope she doesn't inherit that ^_^

Malinkrot 3

I can see from your picture that you're fat. You must be one of those fat chicks that thinks having big boobs makes them hot. Stop making fun of thin girls just because you are insecure about your lard.

indeed. lay off the pies every now and again.

Well, I would rather have small **** then have big **** and have back problems later on in life.

You look like Gustavo Sarola without a beard -_- and with his own body weight of lard on you. No assumptions, I just looked at your picture.

That sucks!! I feel ya, I'm part of the "small boobies" club too! Lol!! Its bad enough that we have to deal with men and their ignorant small boob comments, now they're coming from a 4yr old?!! Don't sweat it sweetie!! Hold those tiny perky boobs high!!! Lol!! :)

dudeitsdanny 9

Heyyyyyyyyyyy. I prefer smaller boobies, thank you very much. And I have to deal with comments from women telling me I'm not man enough to handle the 20lbs of fat hanging from their chest. Seriously, it's just fat that gives you back problems. More than a handful's a waste ;D

Don't be so brainwashed to think that guys only like girls with big boobs. I happen to be a very athletic (and very fit) man, and I like my women to be the same...and that's simply not possible with girls with large boobs. Give me all the small boobed women in the world, and all you other guys can fight over the buzongas =]

I know a lot of women who are rock hard with a decent endowment. Most real, some fake.

This. I know a lot of girls who are fit and athletic and have big boobs. Being athletic has nothing to do with the size of your boobs.

Not possible, is it? Watch "Hardest Pushups Ever" on youtube and then say it again... >:)

Um, since when are all big breasted women also big around? That's something the bra industry needs to learn, too. I'm a 32DD, thank you. Everyone mentions how petite and small I am, but honey, I have pretty big breasts as well. I took dance classes for many years and have rock hard abs. My fat just goes where it counts. ;)

the female olympians who win medals are always completely flat chested. I swear if i just looked at their naked torsos would probably mistake them for men.

Fminetoo 0

Some people dont care about boobs, its whats from the belly button down that counts. : ) And on the inside.


I have Ds and abs. Fit and busty is possible. It's just not common since some women don't want to put up with the bouncing. Can't generalize us. #80, ever hear of sports bras? Breast reduction surgery?

edlovess 0

ha ha ouch I would have slapped the kid

ami1043 0

@at the receiving end. it's possible for women with large breast to be fit. I'm a 36 C and can run a mile in 6 mins flat. So don't judge.

Then I stand corrected! I still like girls with smaller boobs though. So you and I never have a chance. I'm sorry.

perdix 29

At 36C, you can't run a mile in "6 minutes flat." I'd say you run a mile in 6:00 bodacious! ;)