By englishtrio - 18/04/2009 06:45 - United States

Today, after finally giving up on the search for my lost dog, I realized that my neighbors had found her and are convinced that she was a stray. They won't give her up and are now mad at me for trying to take my own dog back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 243
You deserved it 3 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mewzik 0

Ouch, that sucks I would definitely get others involved to get your dog back But how did your neighbors not even know that it was your dog?

That's why you have those chips implanted. To fight back against scumbags like these. What a pair of grade-A assholes.

Comments get your veterinary papers and go to court and prove that it's your dog.

Icalasari 0

1) Open their gate when your dog is let out 2) Call your dog 3) ???? 4) Profit

burn their house down. but take the dog first, obviously

jorgitooo 0

This is why you put an ID chip in your pets. Nothing in this world is based on trust anymore.

rocketshipsxx 0

I agree with almost everyboyd here. Everybody who is trying to help, anyway. It's true that you can call the police. If you have proof, even if it's only pictures, you can get your dog back. They have no right not to give it to you and stealing a dog is theft. That's so messed up! I'm sad for you. ):

M1RSH3 0

Call the police and try to find some dog hair from an old dog brush or something. They can do DNA tests on dogs too.

angryFetus 0

This situation calls for a bitch slap! lol jkjk but you should have pictures,papers, and other evidence its your dog...dont you?