By englishtrio - 18/04/2009 06:45 - United States

Today, after finally giving up on the search for my lost dog, I realized that my neighbors had found her and are convinced that she was a stray. They won't give her up and are now mad at me for trying to take my own dog back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 243
You deserved it 3 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mewzik 0

Ouch, that sucks I would definitely get others involved to get your dog back But how did your neighbors not even know that it was your dog?

That's why you have those chips implanted. To fight back against scumbags like these. What a pair of grade-A assholes.


Yeah, you can get your dog back. You must have pictures, everyone has pictures of their pet. And vet papers, your dog should also have a chip etc etc. Call the police.

This why it is important to microchip your pet.

Call the police, then later tonight, egg their house for good measure.

Show that you own the dog. Your own damn dog would recognize you. So when you walk in it should run towards you and lick your face. Show them your lost dog papers you put up. Get your parents involved

Your neighbors are jerks. Prove you own the dog and get the police involved.

if you have papers show it to them. they still dont believe you? sue their ass. isnt life fun?

Once my dog got out, and someone else took her in. they, too, refused to give her back. Then we told her she had an illness, and told them they'd have to pay for very expensive pills all the ******* time, and they gave her back.

meddude 0

agree with everyone else. if it's really your dog, you'll have proof. besides, won't the dog recognize you? am i missing something?

Get the cops involved. Show them the proof that you own the dog.