By lauren555 - 27/03/2009 03:38 - United States

Today, after finishing a huge French essay, I realized my printer wasn't working. So, I emailed it to a guy in my class to print and then give to me. When I get to French, he said he had already turned his in early and never got my email. It turned out he used mine. I got an F on the essay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 918
You deserved it 18 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cprompt 0

WAYS TO AVOID THIS SITUATION: Take the paper with you to school, print it out at a lab. Take the paper with you to Kinko's, print it out there. Finish and print your paper earlier than the night before. Email your paper to French teacher. Go to a neighbor's house, print it out there. Email it to a REAL friend outside of your class, ask them to print it out and get confirmation that they are. WAYS TO SCREW UP: Email it to a guy in your class and assume he'll get it and dutifully print it out. Don't follow-up over the phone or anything. You're welcome.

So when you showed the teacher the sent email... What did he say?


mason012 0

or you could email it to yourself and then print it at the library... thats what i do because i dont have a printer

ladybuggirl1234 3

Ok that's just stupid!! Email it to your teacher next time maybe??? I do this a lot if I cant print it and they are fine with that.

ladybuggirl1234 3

Ok that's just stupid!! Email it to your teacher next time maybe??? I do this a lot if I cant print it and they are fine with that.

emo666_ 0

Thats why you email it to your instructor.

SkyCloudie 7

One(or two?) words, 9 letters, 5 consonants, 4 vowels, 2 syllables: "Douchébag"

jennisyn 11