By lauren555 - 27/03/2009 03:38 - United States

Today, after finishing a huge French essay, I realized my printer wasn't working. So, I emailed it to a guy in my class to print and then give to me. When I get to French, he said he had already turned his in early and never got my email. It turned out he used mine. I got an F on the essay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 918
You deserved it 18 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cprompt 0

WAYS TO AVOID THIS SITUATION: Take the paper with you to school, print it out at a lab. Take the paper with you to Kinko's, print it out there. Finish and print your paper earlier than the night before. Email your paper to French teacher. Go to a neighbor's house, print it out there. Email it to a REAL friend outside of your class, ask them to print it out and get confirmation that they are. WAYS TO SCREW UP: Email it to a guy in your class and assume he'll get it and dutifully print it out. Don't follow-up over the phone or anything. You're welcome.

So when you showed the teacher the sent email... What did he say?


Whiterabbitm1 0

I hope you kicked his ass and proved or was yours

YDI never trust anyone, cmon mann yas shoulda knew that, people are nastyy

emilysexi3793 0

way to fail: send essay to random GUY way to pass: send essay to random GIRL or girlfriend

Chocolate_Chunk 2

Way to really fail: Be a sexist asshole like the bitch above.

Wait, her friend used his to cheat and got an F or did she redo it and got an F?

Have you never been told not to let other people get hold of or hand in your work? That's the best way to get it stolen or plagarised

Why didn't you e-mail it to yourself so you could print it from class?

your honestly the most idiotic person in the entire world if you let them get away with that. it's called telling the teacher

why wouldnt you save the project to a usb then go somewhere else to print it?

It sucks that that happened to you. But you deserve it for trusting another human being with something like an important French essay. Has everything you've learned about plagiarism not sunk into your head yet?

ekdfml 20

Desolée! C'est très terrible.