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By Kassutera - 06/06/2015 11:15 - Canada - Niagara Falls

Today, after handing over the cash to buy my sister's car off her, she refused to sign any of the paperwork, and later put an ad on Craigslist selling the same car. I got scammed by my own sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 496
You deserved it 3 686

Kassutera tells us more.

Kassutera 7

I will give you an update on what has since happened: The car in question was 1500 bucks and I needed a car badly so I bought it off her and she told me she would give me the paperwork the following day for it. Being she is my sister I trusted her to give me the papers the next day. I happened to browse Craigslist only to find an ad resembling the car I just bought off her with her phone number. I called to see if she could take the ad down because I figured that she put this up before I bought the car when she told me she isn't going to take the ad down and the car is for sale. For those of you accusing of me owing her money...I did not owe anything to her before hand and paid her in full for the car. I had originally given my mom the money to give to my sister so it is not like she cannot say I have no proof the money wasn't given to her. My mom has been on her case about stealing the money and we are still working things out. Will give an update if it does eventually work out.

Top comments

For one Wtf, slap her and get your money back while she is stunned. Two make an add on Craigslist saying she is lonely/horny and put her number.

If you have any proof that you and her were going to make the deal, and if there were any witnesses, you could take this to court.


It is pretty messed up, if I were op, I would just take the money from her... push her over, not punch, but just anything to hold her off basically, oh and if you do hit her tell the cops why if she even calls them. Then run and grab the money and your set. Yay.

For one Wtf, slap her and get your money back while she is stunned. Two make an add on Craigslist saying she is lonely/horny and put her number.

maybe not the craigslist thing. People can sue for that.

Well 12 you have to do it righ. Find a cyber/Internet Cafe with no cameras or cover your face and make the post off of the grid. I'm sure op learned their lesson about covering all of their bases for important things in the future.

Typos I noticed now ad* and right*. Sorry about those and any others.

You gonna act like a bitch, you gonna die like a bitch.

Lmao and your uptight personality that takes things too seriously on fml amuses me (: Ps : closed fist is battery open handed slap is not. Don't ask me why laws are stupid sometimes. At least in my area it is.

If you have any proof that you and her were going to make the deal, and if there were any witnesses, you could take this to court.

it's still a contract without the proof. a verbal contract is still viable in court. she has pretty solid proof too because of this case, she has thousands of dollars in cash on hand

Verbal contracts aren't binding in all jurisdictions.

Breach of contract is a punishable offence.

RockRoyalty92 12

#26 A verbal contract isn't binding. Courts will want proof, and since it is their word against the sister, it won't hold.

it's still a contract and its breach of contract. I've studied law and this was a emphasised part.

A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on! But yeah, it is legally binding and there's the fact that money has changed hands.

RockRoyalty92 12

#52, that is awesome that you studied law, but how do you prove a verbal contract? The sister would deny it, of course, so how can OP prove that anything was agreed upon? If someone's word was enough to win a court case, proof wouldn't be needed in any court case.

Sadly we live in a society where you can barely trust people, even your own family members. Hang in there OP

Society isn't to blame for this...

We blame the society while WE are the society. Pretty fair, huh?

I can't believe your own sister would do that to you

You'd think you would have her sign the papers as you handed the cash... But family is fickle these days.

jazzy_123 20

yep. I bought a car off of my uncle and it was the worst mistake ever. My car is so shitty and beat up, and I can't even take it to him to fix (he's a mechanic) because he overcharges me. I still owe him money... AND my car is bound to die on me soon with all the fixing it needs and with how high the mileage is So sad he'd do that to me.

Did you not know it was shitty and beat up with high miles before you bought it from him..?

jazzy_123 20

it was my first time buying a car :/ I didn't know much about them and I trusted him because he was a mechanic, and I was desperate. It sick but at the same time I deserve it I wish I knew then what I knew now when it comes to looking for a car.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

money/familyfriends. just don't it.