By tiffany - 18/09/2012 18:24 - Canada

Today, after having lost 11 pounds following my pregnancy, I felt sexy and put on a cute outfit for my husband. When he walked into the bedroom, he ended up passing me three times, and then went to bed without a word. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 339
You deserved it 2 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

patacus 14

No, it's called surprise intercourse. Rape is what today's music does to my ears.


friedbunnies 9

Only 11 lbs? Not dramatic at all.

Well you're nice for putting in the effort to dress up for him. I'm sure he's going to be in the mood the next time round (:

You said, "cute," not "sexy." Cute doesn't work as planned. Sexy works all the time. And getting a man to do anything or notice anything without being verbal has a high failure rate. But they will notice you if you're not wearing anything. Try that next time, even if you're not in the best shape. If it's your husband, he won't care.

In my opinion, no woman can be sexy after pregnancy, no matter how much weight they lose.

I've got the funniest image in my head. This could come straight out of a cartoon.

randybryant799 20

Maybe you should use your words.