By Anonymous - 03/02/2013 07:14 - United States - Fort Collins

Today, after having lost my phone three days ago, I paid a $150 non-refundable fee to have my phone replaced and mailed to me by Tuesday. A half hour later, I found my original phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 458
You deserved it 16 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sell one of the phones and make some profit!

Not sure what to vote... Kind of depends on how well you looked and how obvious the place was where you found it back.


dchswr85 6

Now you can have a back-up incase yours breaks.

babygirl4855 11

That sucks, But you could just keep the new phone as a spare just in case.

skyeyez9 24

I am fed up with my shitty cell phone (samsung galaxy). It locks up everyday and I have to remove the battery to restart it. Half the time when you try to dial a number, it crashes to the home screen. If you get an incoming call it will more often than not work and you can't answer it. I will just pay the $200 fine for canceling the contract and get a better phone.

You don't have to cancel the contact to get a new phone. There are good ones for 99 dollars.

I have the same phone & the same problems! I'm just going to get another phone as soon as I can afford it! Hubby got laid off so, we're broke & I have to live with it! :-(

Michael_92 20

Haha if you have the first one they can be a little slow but nothing like that. I have one for development purposes and have a few custom Roms I flash when doing testing. Trust me that works, it will make that old pos feel better, not new, but better.

"The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement." - Author unknown

kisecawchuck 11

You only searched for three days then bought a new phone? Smh

bettyboop428 24

If it was only half an hour later, you could probably have still called and canceled the order for the new phone.

They make these apps like lookout that are a heck of a lot cheaper to find your phone than figuring it's lost! You should be adult enough to take responsibility for your actions!

Well on the positive side, you have a backup just in case.

Always happens that way. Sell one on ebay. You'll make a bit of it back.