By Anonymous - 03/02/2013 07:14 - United States - Fort Collins

Today, after having lost my phone three days ago, I paid a $150 non-refundable fee to have my phone replaced and mailed to me by Tuesday. A half hour later, I found my original phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 458
You deserved it 16 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sell one of the phones and make some profit!

Not sure what to vote... Kind of depends on how well you looked and how obvious the place was where you found it back.


perdix 29

Use both phones to listen to your calls in true Surround-Sound stereo! People will think you're a bad-ass holding a phone to each ear. Or a lunatic.

When the Universe is against us, there is very little we can do.

No, op just said that for effect, it was really 32 days. What's wrong with three days? If I lost my phone I'd spend three days looking for it before I'd spend 150$ on a new one, but any longer than 3 days and people you talk to might think you died.

fischerxx 10

Why didn't you call it? Unless it was off ( no reason for that), you forgot the number and/or you have no friends to call it.

heres a smart thing to do why don't you keep both phones and keep 1 as a backup just in case you lose the other

I thought that's the point of having phone insurance.

It's not that bad, now you have 2 and could probably sell the brand new one.

alvin4676 7

Not really an FML when you can actually make a profit off your new phone. "Hey today I paid $150 for a new phone, found my old one and sold the new phone for $300 dollars. FML." See, doesn't work.