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By Anonymous - 22/11/2015 04:54

Today, after having my tonsils removed, I coughed so hard in my sleep that I woke up spitting blood. Turned out I'd ripped my throat. They had to put me to sleep and cauterize the damaged area. Now I'm in even worse pain than before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 513
You deserved it 1 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch! At least you woke up instead of choking to death on your own blood OP, but the pain must be unbearable. You have my sympathy.


Ouch! At least you woke up instead of choking to death on your own blood OP, but the pain must be unbearable. You have my sympathy.

A few years back, I had my tonsils out. My throat started bleeding unexpectedly at 11pm and it was actually pooling in my mouth. I had to sit upright all night, swallowing my own blood (if I spat it out it kind of rushed out and I couldn't breathe) until 8 in the morning when the surgeon could fix it up. It is really scary and really horrible , I feel OP's pain!

Sounds very unpleasant. I have respect for people like you and OP for pushing through such painful and terrifying experiences. Personally the worst injury I've ever received is a broken pinkie toe, so I wouldn't be able to relate to you or OP. But I'm glad you lived through it with no permanent harm and I hope you don't experience anything like it again :)

Rawrshi 25

Okay, but you have an excuse for all the popsicles you want now!

A07 48

Can't they inject you with morphine for the pain?

In the hospital, sure, but not at home. They usually give you a script for Lortab or Norco or the like.

when you have your tonsils removed and your throat cautirized it's still painful even with morphine unfortunately. I learnt that the hard way.

13 people think you deserve it ... what the actual hell? What is wrong with people?

littleteapot 21

How dare you cough while you're asleep?! Lol I don't understand the ydi logic on this one either.

mds9986 24

People just hit YDI for the badge

I've hit it by accident plenty of times and you can't unclick it which sucks

This happened to me when I was younger on Christmas morning when we were opening presents. It sucks!

For some strange reason I read nostrils instead of tonsils and was very confused.

kaykaryn 8