By Karls - 19/09/2018 09:30 - Australia
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It's been a long time since I had $230 to "splurge". Hope you're back to normal now, OP.
Go see a allergist your acne could be the result of a unknown medical condition,food,pet or environment allergy,I had bad acne on my body it wouldn't go away turns out I was allergic to all fake manmade fibers,so I can only ware cotton or natural fibers 😕
Why are you playing amateur dermatologist when there are pros that could fix you right up? They could prescribe you things that you couldn’t otherwise have access to that really work.
Okay, quick story. I developed a horribly bad acne all over my face and back when I was in high school in AZ. I was sent to a couple of different dermatologists, given many different prescriptions, and nothing worked. One day I went tubing down the river with some friends, and got a bit drunk and sunburned. Needless to say I peeled like crazy. Thing is when I peeled, it peeled all the acne off, and I've had really clear skin since.
So you're saying that acne can be cured by skin cancer? Who knew?
Is that what I said? Or did I just share a story?
Have you tried roaccutane? It's some heavy meds so do your research if you wanna try it. It did wonders for me but be sure to read everything carefully since it has a long list with possible side effects.
So you now know you have sensitive skin, or an entire sensitive body. OP, I had acne until my 30's, know what made it finally go away? I stopped putting so many weird unidentified substances on my poor skin. Threw out all the fancy cleansers and lotions and exfoliating sponges and cloths, and started just washing with water and my hands, and moisturizing with simple ingredients like jojoba oil. Not only that, I got rid of anything scented. No more stinky bubble bath or shampoo, or incense, nice wholesome laundry soap (Biokleen is one example). I never used room sprays plug ins etc but if you do, stop it. And of course any other air pollution... is smoking allowed indoors at your home? Make it an outdoors-only thing. Using toxic glues, paints, insecticides or whatnot? Ventilate, and shower right away after. It turns out my skin was just a mess because it wants to live in peace and I kept unwittingly tormenting it. Before you risk your life with Accutane, please, just try my method for a month or two. I went from having dozens of zits at any given time, to maybe two zits a year, like a miracle.

Return the cleanser. Most companies will refund if you have an allergic reaction.
Why are you playing amateur dermatologist when there are pros that could fix you right up? They could prescribe you things that you couldn’t otherwise have access to that really work.