By lice - 28/03/2009 13:34 - United States

Today, after having sex with my boyfriend I went into his shower to freshen up. Where I saw an open bottle of pubic lice shampoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 125 420
You deserved it 14 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quad17 0

Girl, go buy a razor and shave.

liveitlearnit 0

ughhh. i hope you instantly picked it up, scoured yourself, and then left his ass in there.


5ive 0

to #10; yes it IS a problem. if you read the beginning of this fml she said she JUST had sex, & went to the shower to freshen up. He could have given the lice to her

OmniscientCake 0

>.O Omfg. I have a question, though. What is the difference between crabs and pubic lice?

#54...Nothing, Crabs is just another term for it

Twiiggy 0

Hey at least you can use it while it's there.

OmniscientCake 0

@54, Oh... Ok, then... Ewy. I heard one way crabs can form is when a guy jacks off and doesn't wash his **** off afterward and the sperm and bacteria interbreed or something like that. I think I saw it on the History channel like a year ago.

OmniscientCake 0

Yeah, so, if you don't want crabs, wash your genitals after masturbation or sex.

might not be his, unless he lives alone.

He could get crabs from public places such as gyms and locker rooms, so he may not be cheating on her. If the shampoo was used then the problem is probably solved already so this is no big deal.