By lice - 28/03/2009 13:34 - United States

Today, after having sex with my boyfriend I went into his shower to freshen up. Where I saw an open bottle of pubic lice shampoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 125 420
You deserved it 14 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quad17 0

Girl, go buy a razor and shave.

liveitlearnit 0

ughhh. i hope you instantly picked it up, scoured yourself, and then left his ass in there.


uhhh..."pubic lice" do you mean LICE, as in on you head, or CRABS that are in your pubic hair?

#21...It is also called "pubic lice" Did you take Health class in high school? And...YLIF. That definitely sucks, especially since he didn't tell you. And for those saying he may have eliminated the problem...why would he still have the medication, if he didn't need it? She's got it...damn, go buy a razor for sure.

Maybe he's lazy and didn't take it out or just left it in there because that's where you use it. Just because it was still in the shower doesn't mean he still has it. That's like saying I must smoke just because I own a lighter.

tokyooo123 0

i didnt even know they had pubic lice shampoo...

You should shave down there anyway. This shouldn't be a problem.

at #22 If he eliminated the problem he may still have it, just in case it comes back.

wait a minute...who did he get public lice from?!

timemaster666666 0

Maybe shaving is against his religion. And, sometimes it is sexy to have hair down there.

@ #30 Yeah, sexy if your a fricken ape.

eaganraine1 2

Just like bare is sexy if you're into adolescents.