By marie519 - 09/01/2012 00:59 - United States

Today, after having watched a scare story on the news about heart disease, my mom is now insisting that we have daily, hour-long, family yoga sessions together. I have a job, and barely have enough time to do my homework as it is. I'm going to be grounded if I don't take part. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 396
You deserved it 3 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And? What's the problem with being grounded if you don't have any time for anything but school, homework and your job? It sounds like if you're grounded things will be just as you need them.


chengy4191 7

Just be grounded so you can get ur shit done god damn it's not the end of the world YDB (you damn brat)

You should always make time for exercise. You'll thank her later when you're not a big fatty.

What's the point of being grounded if you don't have time to do anything?

silly__rabbitt 5

don't do the yoga and get grounded to your room with your homework lol

MKerr95 0

If you don't have time to do anything else, being grounded shouldn't bother you too much.

Apparently you have enough time to go on FML though, right? Better start that yoga.

With your life, it probably doesn't matter if you're grounded anyway.

Dude, why'd you have a job if you're still at school? Or at least one that prevents you from doing homework? FYL, but also YDI.

Yoga will do next to nothing to help prevent heart disease. Avoid saturated and trans fats and too much salt. 30 min cardio 3+ times a week, moderate - high intensity and try to maintain a healthy weight. Stress reduction is perhaps the only way yoga could help, but that is not the biggest cause of heart disease.