By marie519 - 09/01/2012 00:59 - United States

Today, after having watched a scare story on the news about heart disease, my mom is now insisting that we have daily, hour-long, family yoga sessions together. I have a job, and barely have enough time to do my homework as it is. I'm going to be grounded if I don't take part. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 396
You deserved it 3 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And? What's the problem with being grounded if you don't have any time for anything but school, homework and your job? It sounds like if you're grounded things will be just as you need them.


cajekraze 7

If you barely have time for homework, getting grounded won't matter. So skip it, its not like you're really losing anything at all

OP i don't wanna screw you even more, but i would recommend that you watch the movie Forks over Knives. it is shocking how true it is

blair_x 12

Don't worry, yoga gets you flexible. And flexibility (especially between the sheets, if you know what I mean) is always a good thing.

I have a job, child and am going to school. I have no problem going to the gym for 2 hours. i still have hours of free time...

Meesersuperman1 4

Well it doesn't really matter if your whole day is school, work, and then homework because she's not gonna not let you go to work or do your homework. The only problem would be if you wanted to hang out with friends when you don't have work.

You think she will star giving out blow jobs if she saw a show about how healthy sex is? I will find the show