By Anonymous - 07/01/2011 02:59 - United States
Same thing different taste
By GhillieSuitsnBiscuits - 10/04/2016 20:53 - United States - Portland
By 918boyz - 04/02/2009 22:23 - United States
By EpicFail - 11/01/2009 20:59 - United States
By neighbor - 26/01/2014 13:08 - Australia - Mosman
It's the thought that counts
By no good deed - 23/07/2020 20:02
By Anonymous - 14/01/2018 15:00
By jamjamy - 26/12/2008 04:53 - France
Mean Girls
By 1nfected - 26/08/2009 17:07 - Canada
By Anonymous - 14/10/2015 13:45 - United States - Phoenix
By Anonymous - 17/06/2009 16:32 - Russian Federation
Top comments
I used proactive for a while and it worked for a while but then it stopped working and got worse :(. now I use acnefree which is cheaper and better than proactive, at least for me, and you can get it in stores. but OP try different products and you'll find what works best, if all else fails try oral medication and or cover it with makeup.
so what? 20 pounds? big deal
wow you had to lift 20 whole pounds?! how did you manage such an impressive feat?! I can't believe that woman would insult a world class athlete such as yourself like that!
You should have "accidentally" dropped the box of oranges on her feet. What a bitch.
You should have said "so does your waistline, have a nice day."
Clearly OP wasn't complaining about lifting 20 pounds as much as having to deal with a bitchy customer. Idk why everyone is misunderstanding that... anyway, FYL. Although rude people are everywhere. But you can feel better knowing that your quality of life is probably better than their's if they feel the need to put other people down to make themselves feel better; something is probably lacking in their lives and this is the only feeling of power they can get :)
I might have asked if that was an offer. At least it forces her to come out and say she felt like insulting me for no particular reason. It usually makes people uncomfortable to acknowledge that they have taken the moral low ground.
rub egg whites on your face for a month. you will be amazed.
Spit on her and tell her it isn't acne, it's herpes. Continue by saying you got it from eating out her Mom. Hey, if she's going to be immature, you can too!
Am I the only one wondering what the **** anyone would need 20lbs worth of orange for? I see 10lb boxes of mandarin oranges in stores near Christmas and even they seem a bit extreme; by the time you get to the bottom of the box the last one's always gone kind of soft, and I'll eat those oranges like a stereotypical fat kid eats donuts. Maybe some sort of recipe?! :s

rude people nowadays... :(
Wow, I would've thrown those oranges at her ignorant face. At least I like to think that's what I would've done. What a bitch.