By Maxime - 20/11/2008 10:19 - France

Today, after making love to my girlfriend, I realised that the phone was on the bed and because of the movements, it called my dad by itself. It went to voicemail. My dad will soon have all the details. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 924
You deserved it 9 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh my god! That happened to me too! Except I was having sex with my boyfriend and it called my mom! But luckily my phone makes a noise when you call someone and it's rather loud. My boyfriend heard it and hung up before she could answer.

That's called being a gentleman and having class... Something you obviously don't know about.


Phone lock is great...but hey you never know he may be proud

Hopefully he's proud that you're carrying on his legacy

I saw another FML just like this one but it was their mom...