By sucker - 26/09/2012 17:07 - United States - Milton
Same thing different taste
By sickandtiredofit - 24/01/2012 19:50 - United States
Just dependa things
By Anonymous - 02/09/2022 18:00 - United States
Yeah, just blame me!
By Anonymous - 17/10/2020 11:02
By ex-wife - 25/05/2018 09:00 - United States - Boston
By Anonymous - 08/03/2021 01:59
Watch the world crumble
By Anonymous - 06/06/2024 07:00 - United States
By wow - 27/05/2013 16:17 - Canada - Edmonton
By Hm - 08/02/2010 04:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/12/2008 04:34 - France
Bad news
By Anonymous - 24/10/2024 12:30 - India - Moradabad
Top comments

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Have your dad kick his ass or your older brother (if you have one).
47: She's married, so I'm pretty sure she's not a 14 year old girl.
I always found that wrong. You don't take any of the others stuff unless they are children or your ******* poor. Marriage is equal so then during termination you just get your shit back. As long as you do the equal partnership thing right. Nobody gets robbed of anything but children!
op there are several ways to deal with this 1. kick cheater out 2. you can move into a homeless shelter until you have enough for your own place 3. beat the home-recker until her fake **** bust 4. put a restraining order on both home-recker and cheater 5. if you can't afford the bills by yourself then back to #2 or ask mom and dad/friends if they are around 6. make cheater and ****** life miserable 7. go get waisted 8. go to the club bring a few hot guys home n start an after party can always find different ways to get help its ok to party n get drunk sometimes just don't turn to it and make it your life k go have some fun release stress while your going through it doesn't have to be the end of the world....hopefully there are no kids invovled....its a lot harder
#1,and exactly what good would this do? Other then ruining her bed?
145: vows* not valves. Just for future reference.
Just go pay a hobo or some poor guy a 100$ and he'll do whatever u tell him to do
Kill them both and burry the bodies in a corn field, no one will find then in a cornfield.
Farmers don't dig up deep enough to uproot a grave.
Bury them in a dog park
Human scum. Throw him out with the trash
31- Don't flood the comments even more by saying that. Just let it be. We all understand :-)
31- I ******* love you too.
Even better, under a septic tank . No one EVER looks under a septic tank ! Also, *bury
Or in a cement block... No one ever looks in cement blocks...
It isn't the husband's fault. It is the neighbor's fault for giving in. I am sure she realizes he is taken and not free to have sexy time.
Well, today I learnt people on FML are experts at getting rid of the body. This may be useful in the future.
85- Not if you have schizophraenia.
71, its totally the husbands fault. What would the neighbor care if the guy is married or not if she wants to have sex with him? Sure it's kind of wrong but ops husband has the responsibility of being faithful since he married her. The neighbor can have sex with whoever she wants and it's messed up that she chose a married man but ops husband could've said no.
Good god 71, I bet you're the kind of person who blames women for getting raped too. I would hate to be your girlfriend (or actually, any woman close to you).
66- in NY, building demolition crew found a body buried in a building foundation, came with suspect's DNA, not recommended. Recommend watching Dexter/ Breading bad, good body hiding references.
Sink the body, where I live people get drunk and drown and are never seen again. Wrap about thirty feet of chain around him and throw him into a deep lake. The fish and micro organisms will turn him into bones relatively quickly.
Ask Siri where to bury a body. She knows all.
53- I like your icon :)
I live in Florida; so every mistake is just a short drive away from the Everglades. Did I mention alligators eat things whole, and digest bone?
106, as the body decomposes, the gasses it produces will eventually bring the body to the surface, so that may not be the best idea
Call Miranda lambert. She'll know what to do. Gunpowder and lead? Country music reference? No? Okay then...
19, You have no idea what the pet cemetery does to people.
Shit on her porch everyday until she moves.
A home-wrecker is someone who has an affair with a married man or women. Yes ops husband is a cheating douche-bag but that's what he is a cheater. As for her neighbor she knew op husband was married but had an affair anyway. Thus making her a home-wrecking bitch.
just pee on everything he loves until he moves out...wait what if he moves in with your neighbor?
#7, Try the bacon FML. The turkey thread.
7- delete your number off your profile, get off FML, grow some balls, go find a nice girl in your high school, then take her to the movies or something. You seem to come here for the wrong reasons.
Y'all are crazy! I have a nice girl... That doesn't mean I don't like fake boobs. I think that's generally liked haha.... And my number is on my profile? Oh thanks for telling me, let me take it off and not talk to anybody like you lifeless Internet addicted *****. I don't come here for the wrong reason. Fun. Like its supposed to be. Obviously you have too much care and respect for this website haha!
OP said she can't afford to move.
I think 8's comment was more aimed at the cheater than the cheated. Like if you're not happy, leave the person. Don't cheat on them.
I would rather to be homeless than living with cheaters one minute though. I'm just saying..
take all his crap and stuff it into her car, then thermite the shit out of it
I thought you were going to say ****** at first.....
hahahaha touche good sir or lady, but i think the screams will last longer if her car is melted into a puddle >:) muah hah hahh
I would make her life a living hell until she moved. I know you have to try and be mature about it but she deserves to be treated like shit and I hope your husband is now your ex husband. Once a cheater always a cheater. I don't understand why people chose to cheat -_-
I agree. But I would take the house I'm living in first.
Maturity my ass cockroaches infest places fast and I'm sure you can find a mother load of them not all that far from your house. Hint- old meat a fish tank and a small ramp next to a dumpster they come in after the rotting food and can't climb out. Diabolical disgusting and mean I vote you do it.
Why? It is possible that she didn't know that OP's husband was married. I know she's a neighbor but if I met somebody on in my neighborhood and they didn't tell me about their life, I would assume they weren't married.
Put a pinhole in his breaklines. Cut he will notice. Pinhole he will get down the road
Is that right?

Kill them both and burry the bodies in a corn field, no one will find then in a cornfield.
Take the house and do things to make her move