By Anonymous - 09/01/2010 21:26 - United States

Today, after months of hardcore flirting with this incredibly attractive guy, he invited me to hang out. At which point he introduced me to his boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 408
You deserved it 7 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

somepartsareme 0

Oh no, he must have been the only attractive guy in the world, now who will you have sex solely based on looks now?

Hardcore flirting? "omg you look totally ******* awesome in the new shirt! *headbang*" "**** yeah, I know!"


Heeaaa 0

after fighting with my boyfriend over and over about getting him this awesome present he finally said yes then i got to find out that he never even got me anythin.

YDI. Maybe you should try actually getting to know people before 'hardcore flirting' with them for months, making yourself look like a completely desperate and shallow douche in the process.

aeslehc_ 0

At least he let you know instead of letting you continue to make a fool out of yourself.

MasterYoda_fml 0

No, but i bet his boyfriend did ;)

GeorgeBoosh 0

You CAN'T tell when someone is gay? Weird.

namhowell 6

Did he flirt back? I don't get it! How could it have gone on for months? Maybe you should check your definition of "hardcore flirting." I understand how you could not have known he was gay, nobody knows I am, until they ask if I have a girlfriend but there's no way I would ever be able to flirt back like a straight guy even if I decide to make a fool out of a girl. But FYL.

Redneck325Ci 0

YDI for saying "attractive" and judging others by looks instead of personality. If I'm wrong, be more specific next time.

No, theyre gay. Men don't fake boyfriends, games aren't as fashionable to us. C'est pas vrai ca arrive tout le temps. Tabarnac.