By Stressed Mother - 18/03/2015 21:26 - United States - Piscataway

Today, after months of job hunting, I finally got a phone call. They were impressed with me. That's when my son decided to throw a tantrum asking for food. After some silence, the caller told me they were looking for someone who wasn't juggling little kids at home and hung up. My son is 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 041
You deserved it 6 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... Maybe you should get your son to work and pay the bills... AND FEED HIS GOD DAMN SELF.

trellz17 19

So everyone who works at that company has no small kids at home? Yeah right.


I started my job at 18. 20 is way overdue.

A 20 year old wouldn't generally be throwing a tantrum about food unless he has been brought up this way. Why are you enabling this behavior?? He should be able to get his own food, even if he still lives at home, unless he's disabled

That kid needs to be smacked! I'd get a belt to my butt if I tried that, regardless of my age!

If your kid is throwing tantrums for food at age 20 you deserve it for raising a spoiled brat. Poor childraising will come back and bite you on the ass.

I'm pretty sure that's illegal. They can discriminate based on weather or not you have kids...

If your son wants to act like a child treat him like one, spank his ass and send him to bed at 6:30.

Yes, exactly my thoughts! And send him to bed with no supper while you're at it. If he's going to act like a child, he gets the consequences of a child.

your son sounds like a little baby. he should have known job hunting is importing and given you all the privacy needed to complete your interview. I say kick his arse out to get a job since he's off age and sabotaged your efforts.

Is it ever too late for a smack upside the head?

Why is a 20 year old still living at home? And why can't he make his own food?

Oh_bother44 11

Thre are plenty of reasons a 20 year old would live at home- I'm 22 and live at home to commute to grad school so I don't have to pay for an apartment in my state on my part time salary. As for the feeding himself, yea he should be able to do that by 20. At the very least pb&j

I'm sure that is seen as discrimination for having children. I'm not sure if it is different elsewhere as here employers can't do that.