By NateTheGreat132 - 20/10/2014 11:59 - United States - Whitehall

Today, after months of job hunting, I started a new job in a deli. I've been a vegetarian since I was 13, but it was the only job I could find. Turns out, I'm allergic to the preservatives they use, as my fingers now resemble sausages. Guess it's time to start job hunting again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 829
You deserved it 4 397

NateTheGreat132 tells us more.

I was wearing gloves. When you open up a new carving block, there's TONS of meaty juice inside of there that you have to drain out. Some of it got inside my gloves.


Man I kinda which I was like you man. About the job hunting part. I'm always procrastinating about hunting for job.

...Aren't people that handle food supposed to be wearing gloves? Ew.

do you not wear gloves? you're working with food and that's nasty if you're not.

After not eating something for a long period of time your body can lose the enzymes to process it, this can stem to skin aswell. Doesn't just happen with meat either before I get the vege/vegan crowd jumping on saying that it's why we shouldn't eat meat.

CrazyOvrMustangs 10

Shouldn't you be wearing gloves anyway?

I was wearing gloves. When you open up a new carving block, there's TONS of meaty juice inside of there that you have to drain out. Some of it got inside my gloves.

I work in a deli and I can attest to this. Unless your gloves are elbow-length it's impossible to completely avoid contact with the meat in some way. This isn't a sandwich shop or smth where you're only handling little bits of food. Juice can easily get everywhere and taking marinated meats out of a (big) bag can also get sauce and meat juice up your arm past where the gloves reach.

damn, that sucks. can't you at least squeeze out some money from the deli for workplace injury or somesuch? also, I can't help but find it really ironic that your fingers resemble the very type of food you were working with :D

Is it possible that you had a reaction to the gloves? Were they latex? I've been a vegetarian for almost 20 years now, and I have to say: taking on a job were you have to handle meat all day and have to suppress how much it grosses you out takes real dedication. If you show that much dedication on the job hunt I'm sure you'll find a better fitting job for you in no time! Good luck!

considering that in school you have to wear gloves if you dissect anything, I don't think it'd be the gloves that they were allergic to.

Or... You could wear gloves? Sanitary and Sensible :)

I'm going to assume you were wearing gloves? If not, just try them, because they should be required. But if you were, that really sucks OP, hope you find a new job!

Quit being a pussy. The only thing you are allergic to is work.