By Anonymous - 21/08/2012 16:45 - United States - Lititz

Today, after months of job searching, I finally got a call about one of my applications. I wasn't able to answer it, but he left a voicemail. I've listened to it over and over, and I can't understand the contact information. He called from a restricted number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 699
You deserved it 1 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It was probably Carly Rae Jepsen calling. The message simply said... Oh, nevermind.

XTheDesertSongX 17

I think it's a bit strange that you were called from a restricted number about getting a job...

XTheDesertSongX 17

To everyone thumbing me down, what I'm saying is, when you have gotten a call from a company about a job (if you're old enough), was it a restricted number? I'm not saying it's fishy or anything, I just think it's a little different because these things happen and that's why you shouldn't call from restricted.

karatekid98 1

You could let someone else listen to it. Mabe they would understand. I did this befor and it worked so u should try it.

Time to get Google voice? They offer transcripts for your voicemails.

Ins0mau 20

I dunno. If a human can't work out what was said, I don't think an automated computer system would have much of a chance.

Yesterday I got an email about a job application. I'm happy they emailed, makes it so much easier to understand the information. I've been slightly sick with a cold or something, but scheduled an interview anyway because it barely affected me at all. Today I woke up much more sick than I've been for the last few days. I have until Thursday to get better in time for my interview.

Thank you! I'll let you know if I get the job. Seriously, I'll send you a message when I know.

perdix 29

It's obvious that they're calling from Charlie Brown's school, Wahwahwahwahwahwah Elementary. Bring your own Febreze in case you get Pigpen in your class.

Well how did you reach them before? Try that, like writing a letter by mail. If that doesn't work, I'm sorry OP, but #1 is right. It's time to cry.

That sucks. On the other hand, do you want to work for someone who cannot communicate clearly on a phone?

Time to start guessing. Or go by each place you applied too.

ant1ion 12

Could you go to all the stores that you applied to and ask?