By Anonymous - 24/02/2010 14:20 - Israel

Today, after months of searching I finally got a job interview. Too bad I didn't have enough money to buy a bus ticket to get there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 306
You deserved it 4 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You also didn't have enough money to walk there? Or ring the neighbours doorbell to ask if you could use their phone to ask a friend to take you there?

And you don't know anyone with a car that could have given you a ride? No friends or family or neighbors? Also, I don't know many people that don't at least give you a day or two before the actual interview... If you wanted the job that bad, you would have begged, borrowed, or stolen to get to the interview.


TahoeFMler 22

You shouldn't have agreed to an interview time you couldn't keep. Duh. YDI

you should have sold yourself into prostitution! after 20 min u would of had enough for round trip ticket!

If you aren't innovative enough to figure out a way there, you probably wouldn't have done well in the interview anyway.

The only way to get there on foot is.... PARKOUR!

damn it! thats bullshit! seems like you have enough to get the internet! dont tell me internet is cheaper than bus! get yourself a bicycle, roller blades or just a pair of shoes!

boatkicker 4

Because they couldn't possibly be posting this from a library computer......

elliet933 2

.....yet you're on a computer with internet and have an fml account....this is as fake as fake gets.

nobody would take you? wow, your friends and family suck.

cypressreene 0

yur lazy.uhmm walk, ride a bike, get a ride from someone. do something

behapy70 0

but you have enough money to pay for Internet or a cell phone... how else would you be posting this?

You know what you should do? Tell Israel instead of using the One Billion+ in foreign aid we give them a year to murder children in Palestine, they should provide free transportation.

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