By Millar - 24/10/2018 00:30 - Australia - Carlton North

Today, I witnessed a postal worker with an important parcel stopping before knocking on my door, shrugging, getting back in his van, and driving away. I couldn't get the door open quickly enough before he left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 905
You deserved it 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report that to the postal service! Make sure to include date and time so you have as solid of a story as possible.

thehaystackerine 20

he knocked? I once watched a postal worker get out of her van with only an attempted delivery notice, which she stuck to my door without knocking, and left while making eye contact with me as I ran out the front door to stop her.


Report that to the postal service! Make sure to include date and time so you have as solid of a story as possible.

I get meds from the VA every month. I have caught my mailman doing this many times, and have reported him each time I have had to go down to the post office and waste an hour standing in line to get them. They don't care.

thehaystackerine 20

he knocked? I once watched a postal worker get out of her van with only an attempted delivery notice, which she stuck to my door without knocking, and left while making eye contact with me as I ran out the front door to stop her.

Ours has done that too! Except I got to the door in time and they gave me my package and the failure to deliver slip.

He came to your door and remembered the tip you gave him last Christmas: nothing. Tips are not just gratuities, they are also a kind of extortion. It’s a shame you didn’t play along — a damn shame.

His Spidey sense was suddenly tingling.

Maybe he realized he was at the wrong address?

Follow and confront him. They usually do not get so far before the next delivery. I am living in a dead end road and managed to stop them. Never happend again.

My job relies on the postal service. I can say this doesn't surprise me and that the postal service sucks as a whole.