By nunyabiz112 - 09/02/2016 05:02 - United States - Pompano Beach

Today, after my fiancé of seven years and the father of our four kids broke up with me, saying he slept with another girl but not to worry, he thought about me the whole time and still wants to marry me one day, it turns out he's moved to another state. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 597
You deserved it 2 844

nunyabiz112 tells us more.

Who's to say it wouldn't have happened after marriage? And two sets of twins? Who would abort? It wasn't a bad relationship, just ended badly that's all. People divorce after ten, twelve, hell twenty years and none of them deserve it in my book. Ijs.

Top comments

Great! He's automatically out of your life. You are now free to forget about him. You don't need him.


SmittyJA24 26

Engaged? Fiancé ? No.... You only use those words when you have a ring, concrete wedding plans, & a date for a wedding ceremony. Maybe you got a ring but there never was intent on his part to get married to you. Another vote for "YDI".

Contact him as to what he wants to do about his responsibility to y'all's children. He either needs to pay child support or give up parental rights.

Y'all were engaged for 7 years & had 4 kids yet he never married you... You should've known he's not trustworthy.

I'm sorry for OP's pain and for what it is putting their children through. However it also shows why you should never, never have children if both prospective parents are not willing and serious enough about their relationship and future children to commit that relationship to marriage. It has been long enough since birth control was invented that every person who engages in sex should know how to prevent unwanted or "accidental" pregnancy.

JudgeComrade 17

Seven year engagement and four kids, and you still don't know where it all went wrong?

Who's to say it wouldn't have happened after marriage? And two sets of twins? Who would abort? It wasn't a bad relationship, just ended badly that's all. People divorce after ten, twelve, hell twenty years and none of them deserve it in my book. Ijs.

OMG Sorry OP thats horrible. Some just cant keep it in their pants. Its your decision if you want to marry him one day or not...

I can't help but wonder why you kept having kids. ydi